Now you can own and run your own dedicated, private, secure email marketing server and use it exclusively at your location. Run the software at your business office, data center, co-location provider, or organization. You have complete control over the mail server and configuration. It's your choice as to how to configure and run your NextMail email software platform.
The NextMail solution is ideal for email marketers who want complete control over their sending environment for any number of reasons: privacy, security, control, integration, sending speeds, mail throttling, IP address warmup, and many additional and advanced configurations for discriminating mailers who need specific functionality only found in the best software programs.
The software features an enterprise feature set, with capabillities that are equal to or better than other major email sending platforms and providers.
Please note that this software is not a simple desktop computer software program made for simply blasting out email. This software is a full-featured, comprehensive enterprise email marketing software program that is normally installed at your data center, office, cloud deployment, or co-located at a shared data center.
This software is for you to buy, license, own and use at your own location, your own cloud, your own data center, however you like. This is an on-premise software solution.
For a more complete listing of NextMail features and capabilities, please view the NextMail Feature Set
The NextMail solution is perfect for HIPAA compliance concerns, privacy law issues, high security environments, various territorial law compliance, banking, healthcare, and other specific, dedicated server and deployment needs.
The software has also been deployed successfully for high-volume mailers who send large amounts of email as part of their normal course of business.
Please note that NextMail can also be purchased and owned as souce code software.
For complete pricing, license terms, and information, contact NextMail below: